Monday, May 7, 2012

So this is new.

I think I've been granted a great opportunity, and I'm viewing it in the most negative way possible. This evening, I reluctantly dragged my feet to the Vertical Horizon concert. It was something I had to do as part of my CCA; go down for events, cover it, snap some photos and then write a review. Initially, I viewed it as a chore...but as I stood in the middle of the crowd, as the band performed their hearts out, I realized that I was a part of something genuinely cool. All the hesitation and irritation I felt disappeared, and I began to enjoy myself.

And I thought about all the other opportunities that are being granted to me, as I'm doing this. I'm meeting new people, making new connections, trying out new things, developing my talents, and...I could go on. For instance, this evening, I was at the photographer's section of the venue. It's right at the front of the stage. For the first three songs, we were given free rein to take all the photos we wanted. The more professional photographers had all the equipment, and were running around with purpose. I tried to emulate them; I did so badly, but my point is, it's still a cool experience.

This is what summer is all about. Doing new things, learning, and really going, and growing beyond the classroom. I'm excited all over again. 

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