Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Get the name right.

The year's most anticipated movie is coming out. It's the one about a bunch of superheroes teaming up to save the world. I'm pretty sure everybody's going to watch it, and then make sure everybody knows that they've watched it. After which they'll abuse the following words: epic, awesome, legendary, ground-breaking, so on and so forth. I'm prepared to have my Facebook and Twitter feed flooded.

I think before this happens, we need to be on the same page about something: the freaking name of the movie. It infuritates me to see it misused.

It's 'The Avengers'. 

It's not 'Avengers', without the 'the'. It's not 'Marvel's Avengers'. It's not 'A Avengers'. It's not 'Avenger'. You see the arrow within the 'A'? There's a 'THE' there. So, yeah, 'The Avengers'.

As one united community, let's get the name right.

Name aside, I'm pretty excited for the coming movie. I never really watched any of the Iron Man movies, but I thought Captain America was okay, and that Thor was fantastic.The trailers look good, and the initial reviews are generally positive. I mean, it's scored a whopping 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Basically, Loki, Thor's evil half-brother or something, wants to take over the world, and so he strikes a deal with some alien race and they wreck havoc on Earth. No single superhero can stop them; hence, Nick Fury, from SHIELD, gathers the world's greatest superheroes. There's teeting problems of course, as the huge personalities clash, but somehow, they all work it out.

My next post about this movie shall see me using what I have learned in my LTB (Leadership and Teambuilding) Module, and applying it in the context of the show.

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