Sunday, April 29, 2012

Horny like a unicorn.

I was thinking about unicorns. More specifically, the unicorn's horns. They look sharp, don't they? Like they can impale you, if they charge at you head first. It's like having a spear on your head.

Okay, now let's think about unicorns in their gestation period; when they are inside their mother's wombs. Do they already have their horns? But that's impossible! If they did, then they'll pierce their mother from the inside, killing them in the process. So the logical conclusion we draw from here is that the horns appear after birth.

Are there unicorns in real life? No. Or so it seems! What if...some horses are actually unicorns...but for one reason or another, they're hiding their through identities, or are simply deprived of growing their horns. I have two theories for this.

1) Horns come with age.
Some horses are actually unicorns. However, for a horse to grow a horn, he has to live a significantly long life. But today, due to our domestication of the animals, as well as other factors caused by our actions, such as global warming, deforestation, etc; horses cannot attain the right age to grow a horn. Unicorns do exist; we just kill them before their horns can come out.

2) Unicorns rub their horns out in a bid to fit in.
This is not mine, but is actually a friend's. He put forth the notion that some horses are actually unicorns who have rubbed their unicorns off, in a bid to conform, and be accepted by the general population of horses. I guess this is true, and we can observe it happening in our society today. One such example is Michael Jackson. He wanted to be white, so he bleached his skin, and now he he is.

Personally, I don't think unicorns exists, but I'm sure there are firm believers out there. Perhaps these two theories I propose will add credibility to your faith.

Also, I learned that it is impossible to find unicorn pictures which do not look gay.

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