Saturday, April 28, 2012


I'm giving myself 5 minutes to type whatever the hell I want. It's freestyling, it's chaos, it's the way my mind works. Everything you see here will be unfiltered, I guess. Btw, the 5 minutes started with me pressing the first letter of this paragraph...there's not much time left. Tick tock tick tock.

I think I think more than the average person. Of course, it's impossible for me to get into somebody else's head, but from my conversations with other people, I've been told that I tend to over-analyze, or over-think, or over-plan things. It's just this tendency to over-something somethings. Because it's just one life, and if you don't over do it...then I don't know.

Many times, I've said that I didn't want to work. But I understand it's importance in the bigger scheme of things. If nobody worked, then there'll be no progress. We won't get what we need. We need labourers, and such to get things done, and make sure that the gears of the world are running. Being me, I like to think that I'm elevated beyond the level of being a mere gear...and that I'm so much better than that.

But there's two ways things are going to go down; reality's either going to catch up to me, or I'm going to reach the pinnacle of my dreams. Which is what actually? I want to write for a living. Like my heroes, JK Rowling, Haruki Murakami, John Irving. It's not going to be easy, I know. I'm not directing all my energy into it, or as much energy as I wish to.

I don't really know lah, wtf. My 5 minutes just ran out.

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