Monday, April 23, 2012

Here we go all over again.

It's been a while since I posted. 30 days, to be more precise. That's about a month. I can't believe a month just went by just like that.  And it's not like nothing happened within the space of this one month. On the contrary, so many things have happened. Some bad things, mostly good things. On the whole, life has given me plenty to smile about. I'm thankful for the people I've met, and the opportunities that have been granted to me.

So why have I disappeared exactly? I guess I'd have to say it's because of project deadlines and exams...mostly. About a month back was when I was rushing through my presentations and reports. Then I had to prepare for my exams, and finally, sit for the exams themselves. It's a really time-consuming and soul-consuming process. There were times when I felt like I was a puddle. I don't know why a puddle, but man, I felt like a puddle.

Insignificant. Stepped on. Lacking in depth. And all that jazz.

It's not just blogging that I haven't been able to do. I wasn't able to exercise with the same frequency as before. That, combined with irregular meals, made me...less fit than before. There's no time for reading, and no time for games, and for many other things. And the exams aren't easy too, so on top of being less fit, I felt more stupid. It's the worst combination ever.

Honestly, it's the people that get you through in these trying times. I'm glad to say that somehow, I found them. And we're through to the other side now.

We welcome summer with open arms and open hearts. It's a full three months of holiday, in a sense. I have some commitments here and there. Actually, it's quite a bit. It's part and parcel of universtiy life, or so I tell myself. You have to put yourself out there, and try things, and through this, you meet new people, and you learn more about yourself. A part of me wants to just relax, but that's not right. 

Apart from these university commitments, I'll be working. Not working as in...getting a job. I'll be working on myself. I'm quite a self-conscious person, and I'm full of shitty flaws. Everybody has their flaws...but I guess I'm more aware of them? It's part of being exceptionally introspective. So I'll be working on myself. I'll be exercising, reading, writing, nurturing my relationships, and like I said earlier, putting myself out there. I'm already 22...and if I don't sort myself out now...What if I never sort myself out? Damn it.

I dug out my resolutions from earlier this year. I haven't been working on them at all. Things are easier said than done. Ahh, I'll work on them this summer. Some of them are rubbish, but some of them are real enough.

And as such, I'll be blogging daily too. It's a fresh start from me; it's not the first fresh start I'm doing, but...this time, I'll really try? There's a new lay-out and everything! I'll be talking about life, popular culture, fun things to do, and random funny stuff. It's all good stuff, I guarantee that. So do come back here, time and again. Your visits matter to me.

Here we go all over again.

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