Sunday, April 29, 2012

Horny like a unicorn.

I was thinking about unicorns. More specifically, the unicorn's horns. They look sharp, don't they? Like they can impale you, if they charge at you head first. It's like having a spear on your head.

Okay, now let's think about unicorns in their gestation period; when they are inside their mother's wombs. Do they already have their horns? But that's impossible! If they did, then they'll pierce their mother from the inside, killing them in the process. So the logical conclusion we draw from here is that the horns appear after birth.

Are there unicorns in real life? No. Or so it seems! What if...some horses are actually unicorns...but for one reason or another, they're hiding their through identities, or are simply deprived of growing their horns. I have two theories for this.

1) Horns come with age.
Some horses are actually unicorns. However, for a horse to grow a horn, he has to live a significantly long life. But today, due to our domestication of the animals, as well as other factors caused by our actions, such as global warming, deforestation, etc; horses cannot attain the right age to grow a horn. Unicorns do exist; we just kill them before their horns can come out.

2) Unicorns rub their horns out in a bid to fit in.
This is not mine, but is actually a friend's. He put forth the notion that some horses are actually unicorns who have rubbed their unicorns off, in a bid to conform, and be accepted by the general population of horses. I guess this is true, and we can observe it happening in our society today. One such example is Michael Jackson. He wanted to be white, so he bleached his skin, and now he he is.

Personally, I don't think unicorns exists, but I'm sure there are firm believers out there. Perhaps these two theories I propose will add credibility to your faith.

Also, I learned that it is impossible to find unicorn pictures which do not look gay.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I'm giving myself 5 minutes to type whatever the hell I want. It's freestyling, it's chaos, it's the way my mind works. Everything you see here will be unfiltered, I guess. Btw, the 5 minutes started with me pressing the first letter of this paragraph...there's not much time left. Tick tock tick tock.

I think I think more than the average person. Of course, it's impossible for me to get into somebody else's head, but from my conversations with other people, I've been told that I tend to over-analyze, or over-think, or over-plan things. It's just this tendency to over-something somethings. Because it's just one life, and if you don't over do it...then I don't know.

Many times, I've said that I didn't want to work. But I understand it's importance in the bigger scheme of things. If nobody worked, then there'll be no progress. We won't get what we need. We need labourers, and such to get things done, and make sure that the gears of the world are running. Being me, I like to think that I'm elevated beyond the level of being a mere gear...and that I'm so much better than that.

But there's two ways things are going to go down; reality's either going to catch up to me, or I'm going to reach the pinnacle of my dreams. Which is what actually? I want to write for a living. Like my heroes, JK Rowling, Haruki Murakami, John Irving. It's not going to be easy, I know. I'm not directing all my energy into it, or as much energy as I wish to.

I don't really know lah, wtf. My 5 minutes just ran out.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Hi guys! It's the holidays, but I feel like I'm busier than ever. During the exams period, you're busy, but it's a flexible kind of busy. You should be studying. 'Should' is the operative word here; at the end of the day, it's up to you whether you actually study or not. You can take breaks when you want to, and totally not study if you so wish. It's a flexible kind of 'busy'.

Once the holidays are over, all sorts of collaboration starts, and you're no longer working on your own time-table. You have to accomodate to other people's timing, and aim for certain deadlines, etc. Everybody's aiming to hit the ground running. I think I might have over-committed myself for the summer. Some of my friends are totally free, it seems. I, on the other hand, have been quite busy the past week, and will be busy this coming weeks. I ended my exams on Monday. And...I should be more free, right? Wrong. Been back in school everyday, and will probably be back quite often.

Sometimes, I just want to lay on my bed all day with a good book. If growing up means that I won't be able to do that anymore, then I don't want to grow up.

The weather's getting really hot, isn't it? I think if someone can invent the opposite of an an item you carry on expecially hot days, that person will become really rich.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


There's a promotion going on at Starbucks! If you buy one Venti-sized Mocha Cookie Crumble or Soy Strawberries & Cream Frappaccino, you get a second one for free. The promotion only lasts within a 4 hour window though, from 3pm to 7pm so do take note. This post is coming in late, as the deal is only valid today and tomorrow...and as you know, today's almost done. So you only have tomorrow to enjoy this treat!

I went to the Starbucks branch at Parkway Parade slightly after 6pm. The queue wasn't too long when I got there. There were about 5 people, I think. But once you make payment, you have to wait for a significant period of time to actually get your drink. It's like buying a bubble tea from Koi, only the waiting time is slightly longer, and it's messier too, as they don't have numbers telling you when it's your turn to collect it. What the customers did was form a queue, which was quite good, I think.

Waited for my coffee for about 20 minutes? It's a long time, but I guess it's a sacrifice you make, since you're getting one cup of coffee for free. Each cup is quite pricey though, at $8.40, I think. Moreover, because you can only order the Venti size, this deal isn't good for those on a diet, like myself. The new flavours itself were only so-so. The Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap tasted like any other chocolate-flavoured frap; nothing special. The other flavour offered, Soy Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino tasted too artificial for my liking. Not good.

Overall, it's not really worth it? You should get bubble tea instead.

But I guess the thing about this two-for-one promotions is's not something you can enjoy on your own. Go grab a friend, any friend, and use this as a pretense to meet up. Sometimes, we get shy to just ask a former friend out to catch up. This is where deals like this come in. It's an excuse; albeit a lousy one. Any reason to catch up with a friend is a good one though, so why the hell not.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Performed for a skit this evening for a school event. I haven't been on stage for a while, so I was quite nervous. I'm not really sure whether I did well or not, but I must admit, I had lots of fun in the process, and I guess I made new friends...which is cool, considering we only started preparing seriously for this yesterday. It was a story involving finding one's fur-jean-and-teeth, Mojo Jojo and the Power of Love. It's a better love story than Twilight.

I'm the guy on the most right, FYI. Photo not taken by me!
I'm looking forward to summer more now. Can't wait to get to know more people, and do new things, and stuff like that. I was initially irritated at how little free time I actually had to myself because of the different commitments I have...but I think with a little discipline, I'll be able to make the best out of everything.

PS: I drank 4 cans of Redbull in the course of the evening. I'm high now. I have 4 pairs of wings, like MagnaAngemon.

Note-to-self: Go to the gym tomorrow. Your tummy won't disappear by itself.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Battleship fails to make waves.

Let me say it once: Don't watch Battleship. Let me say it again, this time, in all CAPS: DON'T WATCH BATTLESHIP.

It's a movie based on the game of the same name; the one where you guess where your opponent's ships are on a grid, and you try to sink their ships. It's not a very intelligent game, but it's fun enough. The movie was produced to celebrate the game, and to evoke the story and experience one associates with the game (which is close to nothing).

As the board game itself doesn't have a story, they made up one. There's a bilateral navy exercise between USA and Japan off the coast of Hawaii. Just as this is happening, alien spacecrafts come crashing through the atmosphere and into Earth. The humans have to beat them. It's not the most original of stories, but even unoriginal stories can be entertaining. Like the fast food of movies.

Don't order this particular dish. Because it sinks (poor attempt on a pun with the word 'stinks'). It's a ship movie (poor attempt on a pun with the word 'shit'). Now on to my poor attempt of a review.

Let's talk about the story, first. It's incoherent. There's quite a few things going on in the movie, story-wise, but they're so poorly linked, and poorly portrayed, that it becomes one big pile of steaming hot turd. The movie kept jumping from scene to scene, that after a while, one's stops all attempts at keeping track. 

This boils down ultimately to the characters, I think, and in this case, there were too many, they were too thinly-drawn and they were bad performances. If you care about the characters, then you'll care about the story too. The movie tries to introduce too many characters, and none of them are strong enough to carry the movie on their back. Case in point: a central character dies, and I couldn't care less. Special mention must go to the main character who was just...unlikable as hell. 

This is the lead character. I wanted him to drown.
Rihanna's in the movie too. She's heavily featured in the posters. They put her on the same level as the main character (whose name escapes me). At the end of the day though, she gets so little lines, and goes through no development whatsoever, that it just confirms what this movie is: Yet another money-making venture by the capitalists who brought you Transformers 3. She doesn't even song! Or wear a bikini! 

What's her name in the movie? No idea.
They didn't even say why the aliens wanted to invade the planet. Whattt. Or maybe it's because I wasn't paying much attention to the film.

The movie did have good special effects though. The explosions were realistic enough, and indeed, plentiful enough. They also tried to integrate some semblance of the game into the movie, which is appreciated. There were amusing moments too. I'll spoil it for you right here and now so that you won't have to, or will have less of an inclination to watch the movie: all their original ships get destroyed, and most of their crew dies. They board one of the older ships, and they get retired war veterans to help man it. 

The movie's running time exceeds two hours. It's a disgustingly long, and draggy, and not worth the watch. 

I watched this movie based on people's reaction on Facebook. I read the words "Awesome" and "Great" and "Cool" being tossed around. Lesson learned. Your friends are lousy at recommending movies.


PS: At the end of the day, the movie doesn't really matter right? It's the atmosphere, and the people you're with. If you want to watch the movie for the movie alone, then you should just watch it on the laptop. The movie might have been bad, feels like it doesn't matter???

PSS: Liam Neeson is in this. Don't let his old-man sex appeal fool you. It still sucks.


First thing that came to my mind after I saw the picture. The Beatles are too awesome for words.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Here we go all over again.

It's been a while since I posted. 30 days, to be more precise. That's about a month. I can't believe a month just went by just like that.  And it's not like nothing happened within the space of this one month. On the contrary, so many things have happened. Some bad things, mostly good things. On the whole, life has given me plenty to smile about. I'm thankful for the people I've met, and the opportunities that have been granted to me.

So why have I disappeared exactly? I guess I'd have to say it's because of project deadlines and exams...mostly. About a month back was when I was rushing through my presentations and reports. Then I had to prepare for my exams, and finally, sit for the exams themselves. It's a really time-consuming and soul-consuming process. There were times when I felt like I was a puddle. I don't know why a puddle, but man, I felt like a puddle.

Insignificant. Stepped on. Lacking in depth. And all that jazz.

It's not just blogging that I haven't been able to do. I wasn't able to exercise with the same frequency as before. That, combined with irregular meals, made me...less fit than before. There's no time for reading, and no time for games, and for many other things. And the exams aren't easy too, so on top of being less fit, I felt more stupid. It's the worst combination ever.

Honestly, it's the people that get you through in these trying times. I'm glad to say that somehow, I found them. And we're through to the other side now.

We welcome summer with open arms and open hearts. It's a full three months of holiday, in a sense. I have some commitments here and there. Actually, it's quite a bit. It's part and parcel of universtiy life, or so I tell myself. You have to put yourself out there, and try things, and through this, you meet new people, and you learn more about yourself. A part of me wants to just relax, but that's not right. 

Apart from these university commitments, I'll be working. Not working as in...getting a job. I'll be working on myself. I'm quite a self-conscious person, and I'm full of shitty flaws. Everybody has their flaws...but I guess I'm more aware of them? It's part of being exceptionally introspective. So I'll be working on myself. I'll be exercising, reading, writing, nurturing my relationships, and like I said earlier, putting myself out there. I'm already 22...and if I don't sort myself out now...What if I never sort myself out? Damn it.

I dug out my resolutions from earlier this year. I haven't been working on them at all. Things are easier said than done. Ahh, I'll work on them this summer. Some of them are rubbish, but some of them are real enough.

And as such, I'll be blogging daily too. It's a fresh start from me; it's not the first fresh start I'm doing, but...this time, I'll really try? There's a new lay-out and everything! I'll be talking about life, popular culture, fun things to do, and random funny stuff. It's all good stuff, I guarantee that. So do come back here, time and again. Your visits matter to me.

Here we go all over again.