Friday, February 17, 2012

A Defence for Campus Crusade

Over the past two days, a certain situation has developed in NUS. A CCA, Campus Crusade has gotten a lot of bad publicity for the a certain poster they put up, and some of the information they have on their website.

The public outcry has been loud, and angry. Simply put, people are unhappy that these evangelical Christians are trying to spread their religion to other nations. Most of the people who made the most noise are those who are of other religion. As an atheist, I don't really see the logic in their unhappiness.

If you believe in your God, won't you want others to believe in Him too?

What is a religion, really? A religion is how you view life. It's the very foundation of everything you believe in. It forms your basis for creation, existence, meaning and the afterlife. One man can't have multiple religions, because by religion's definition alone, you can only have one.

In our society today, there's a multitude of religions, and each person (except for atheists) have one. It's a mystery that they're not in conflict more. We've reached a point of "tolerance". The various religions are able to "coexist" with one another. But it's not really coexisting. Because at the back of our minds, there's this voice which knows that we are "right", and that the other party is "wrong".

We've just given up on trying to argue our points. (Mostly because it's an argument which nobody can win haha, but that's not my point here.)

From the people at Campus Crusade, their view is that Jesus is your saviour, and that if you don't believe in him, you'll go to hell. They believe in a heaven, and in sin, and other things like that. It's a concept which is alien to me...but not to them. They truly believe that this is the case. And they simply want to spread the word of the Lord.

What's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing. Okay, let's say that your on a sinking ship. And it seems like there's many way out. You and the people you care about are debating about which way to take. You know for sure that Escape Route A is the best way, and that the other Escape Routes are dead-ends. It's only logical that you try to convince others to Escape Route A too, right?

So that they'll be saved. So my point is, give them a break. They mean well, at the end of the day.

As for me? To continue from the ship metaphor, I don't think the ship is sinking at all. I'm just going to enjoy the facilities, and live my life to the fullest.

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