Saturday, February 18, 2012


IF=It's Friday. It's a factual statement. It lacks the relief that "Thank God" carries. Mostly because...tomorrow will just be another day of work and study.

It's past midnight now, and I'm really tired. I had no school today, but I went there anyway, to sit down and get some work done. "Today will be the most productive day ever," I said to myself. But I didn't reach the heights of productivity that I dreamed of reaching. Study-wise, progress has been slow.

Yet, I'm having fun, and I think I'm learning too, just not in a way that will help me boost my GPA.

Maybe I'm approaching this whole studying thing in the wrong manner. Hmm, or maybe I just need to rest. Either way, I've decided to turn in early today. Goodnight, and I shall post again tomorrow. :)

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