Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This shit is gold.

Been doing filming recently. It's my directorial debut, in a sense. And I came up with the idea of the short film too. It's the sort of idea only my mind can come up with, I swear.

The Shituation

A guy runs into a toilet. He takes a dump which requires all the energy and concentration he can muster. The sheer mental force he exerts bends the very fabric of time and space. Suddenly, he discover that even though he's still seated on a toilet bowl, he's not in the same toilet anymore. He's teleported to the girl's toilet! Outside, he hears a pair of girls talking. They knock on his cubicle, wanting to use it. How's he going to get out of this predicament now?

Can't wait until I get Oscar-nominated, and stuff.

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