Saturday, January 21, 2012

Double rainbow across the sky.

It was raining really hard earlier this afternoon. One would expect the usual complains about the having to use an umbrella, getting their shoes wet, flooding and ponding and all that other shit. And indeed we get those. Because it's Singapore, and we feel obliged to whine and make noise about every little thing.

Nobody ever expects a rainbow after the rain. It's a defense mechanism of sorts, maybe. Lower your expectations and you'll never be disappointed. But secretly, in our hearts, we're all hoping for the best-case scenario. We hold on to these hopes, and these hopes are the foundations upon which we build our lives upon. I hope you get what I mean.

So when today, a double rainbow appeared over Singapore, everybody was really excited, and happy. I didn't get to see it because I stayed home the whole day, but thanks to technology (Twitter, Facebook), I managed to get a glimpse of it. It looked really really wonderful.

Taken by Jowell. (@jowellooo)

Taken by Rebecca. (@rebeccajoytan)

Taken by Russell. (@russ_wee)

Taken by Peiyi. (@fanpeiyi)

Taken by Raied. (@raiedrahman)

PS: Some people are complaining about the influx of posts about rainbows on Facebook and Twitter. Screw them. Rainbows are awesome.

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