Thursday, January 19, 2012

So near yet SOPA.

I'm sure most of you have heard about the SOPA thing, thanks largely to the Wikipedia blackout. But I don't think many people have actually bothered to find out what the big fuss is all about. The local media (Straits Times, New Paper, etc) has had scant coverage on the issue, which shouldn't come as a surprise. We're mostly just followers in this country, and we'll follow whatever decision is made.

Below is an image I found summarizing the key points on SOPA. Do take a look!


The internet is a very very awesome thing. I can't quite imagine life without it. It's one of the single equalizing factor we have today. It breaks barriers, puts us all in equal standings and lets us connect in unimaginable ways. The implementation of the bill will remove some of the freedoms we have, and this is a path we do not wish to go down on. SOPA is just going to make the internet suck, and it's going to put power back in the hands of those with money and connections.

It's a battle for our freedom here, ladies and gentlemen.

I'll try to look around the net and see whether there's anything we can do to help in this fight. For now, let's just spread awareness on the issue. Tell everyone you know what's going on, and stress to them what's at stake.

PS: Waiting for a meeting to start hahahaha.

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