Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thoughts aren't enough.

I once bought this necklace for this girl I liked. It was her birthday. I went to great lengths to plan a little something for her. I bought her present, got our friends together, and coordinated a "surprise" of sorts. I wrote a card too, and in that card, I poured my heart out. The feelings were extremely raw, but it was raw, like uncooked chicken.

I threw away the card. I tore it to many pieces and I tossed it in the thrash. I killed my feelings right there and then, and the feelings haven't surfaced since then. She's with someone else now. She's happy, and my feelings are dead, so I guess I can't complain, can I?

I didn't go through with it in the end because I was afraid of how things would turn out. What if I get rejected. What if I she recuperated her feelings, but it doesn't work out in the long run. What if I ruin her.

And the idea was there, at least. I patted my back for actually daring to have the idea. But ideas don't translate into anything in this world. I need to turn my thoughts and my dreams into reality. It's time to step out of my mind.

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