Saturday, January 14, 2012

First week of school.

I haven't written anything yet. By anything, I mean my stories. It's kind of depressing, but I feel like...I can't help but not write. There's so many things that are not in place and so many things left undone. At the same time, I know that the stars will probably never align, and that all I have are excuses, and these excuses are the very shackles which are holding me back from achieving what I want to achieve.

It's only the first week of school, yet I feel tired already. Perhaps it's because of the sudden change in pace. Just a week ago, I was slacking off at home, doing nothing in particular. Now, I'm in school every single day. Lessons, readings, assignments and projects have all begun, and in a sense, it's only going to get worse.

What's more, I feel pressured to be even more involved in school than I already am. What do I mean by this? There are people in SMU who are involved in everything. On top of their studies, they juggle several CCA commitments, and are part of organizing committees. I feel sort of compelled to join in the fun too, in a way. But that's not really the right motivation, is it?

I think now is a good time as any to get my priorities right. And here they are:

1) Do well in school.

2) Make more close friends, and maintain the ones I already have.

3) Continue exploring my reading and writing.

I'll leave it at those three, which I think are enough. There's a mahjong paper which I stuck to my wall. I've scribbled numerous things on it, and I have plans for a great story in mind. Now, I've just to translate it into something amazing.

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